Ever wonder how products from multilevel marketing companies work? There isn't much information in the product effectiveness circulating in the web. So to give some light on the products of Global Prime Innovation, Inc. let me divide this article into four parts to give a review on our four initial products.
As an independent distributor of any company, product effectiveness is the key to success. Sales are dependent on how the market accepts the products provided by companies. This is true in all business ventures. In addition, product placement is crucial, and product information is vital to that success. So, here we are...
For the first part of this four part series review, let me introduce you to the "Glutagen Crystal Peel".
As indicated in the jar, it is an "exfoliating Micro Crystal Scrub to energize skin immediately by effectively removing dead skin cells from inside and around the edges of pores. This process helps reduce the appearance of pores and wrinkles. The cream also feeds and nourishes the skin from below through increased micro-circulation."
The Glutagen Crystal Peel contains aloe vera, claire blanche, titanium, salicylic acid, and microcrystal. All these aid in the mild exfoliation process.
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It comes with an additional lid to prevent spillage. |
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Micro Crystals: what you can't see can be felt. |
Like with all scrubs and exfoliation of any type, the recommended usage is once or twice per week, preferably at night. This is to facilitate the skin turnover and cleansing process at night.
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A pea sized amount is all you need, so a jar can
last for months. Just be sure to close the lid properly and store in a dark dry
place- definitely not in the bathroom cabinet. You may also opt to use a
separate spatula of some kind to get the product to avoid double-dipping or
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See how smooth the scrub is? |
Mildly scented, the pampering effect is soothing. A minute of gently scrubbing is all you need. The effects will be noticeable after just one wash. I've been using the crystal peel for over a month now and I've noticed less dry patches in my face.
Dont' just take my word for it, try it yourself! The price is php. 820 for a jar. Cost per use would balance that price. So if you want to experience the Glutagen Crystal Scrub, visit our STORE or our FACEBOOK PAGE for more practical beauty products!
Hurry! Discounts will definitely be given to the first 20 shoppers!
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